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What is Sedation Dentistry?

Does your body get stiff with fear just thinking about getting your teeth cleaned by a dentist? Would you prefer to visit a dental office or go through the misery of a toothache? It’s not just you. Most people find going to the dentist to be so anxiety-inducing that they would rather not receive any treatment. Good thing there’s an answer for this. Try out sedation dentistry in Medford if you have anxiety going to the dentist. 

patient and dentist discussing sedation dentistry in medford

Sedation Dentistry Basics

What Is It?

Sedatives and anesthesia are used in sedation dentistry to make patients more comfortable when they are on the dentist’s chair. It is sometimes referred to as “sleep dentistry.” However, that’s totally not accurate since the patient may still be conscious. The levels of sedation used include minimal to deep sedation and general anesthesia. 

When is Dental Sedation Required?

Sedation dentistry is opted for nearly every treatment, from routine dental cleanings to invasive treatments. It uses various methods, like general anesthesia, nitrous oxide, or “laughing gas,” to calm a patient down during the procedure. With sedation dentistry, there is no need to completely avoid the dentist, not even for the most severe dental anxieties. 

What Is the Duration of Dental Sedation?

Depending on the type of sedative or anesthesia you receive, the duration of your dental sedation will vary. Many patients can drive a car after receiving mild sedation. However, other types, like general anesthetic or IV sedation dentistry, can take hours to subside. 

What Advantages Do You Get?

Sedation dentistry has several advantages. The most notable one is that you can receive the necessary treatment without experiencing dental fear. Additionally, there won’t be any pain during the surgery. Lastly, oral sedation dentistry can prevent you from gagging throughout the procedure.

patient in dentist chair getting sedation dentistry in medfordpatient in dentist chair getting sedation dentistry in medford

Other Benefits of Sedation Dentistry in Medford

Due to the fear or anxiety of the dentist, many people put off getting the necessary treatment. Don’t let dental phobia prevent you from maintaining good oral health. You can feel completely at ease and stress-free while receiving dental treatment under sedation. To find out more about sedation dentistry in Medford, please get in touch with us. 

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Our office is proud to offer the latest in dental technologies to provide you with the best in-office experience.

Digital X-Rays

Digital X-rays save time and reduce radiation exposure.

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Electronic claims

Electronic claims help maximize your insurance benefits.

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Cone beam CT Scan Technology

CBCT scans help us make more accurate assessments.

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Laser dentistry

Laser technology allows us to clean much deeper than before.

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Panoramic X-rays

Panoramic x-rays use a three-dimensional scanning system.

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Intraoral camera

Intraoral cameras use digital imaging for accuracy.

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Paperless charting

We save trees and our patients time with paperless charting.

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Patient education

We will be here guide and inform you during your appointment.

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Telescopic Loupes

Magnifying loupes help us make more accurate assessments.

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Digital X-rays

Digital X-rays save time and reduce radiation exposure.

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Electronic claims

Electronic claims help maximize your insurance benefits.

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Cone beam CT Scan Technology

CBCT scans help us make more accurate assessments.

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Laser dentistry

Laser technology allows us to clean much deeper than before.

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Panoramic X-rays

Panoramic x-rays use a three-dimensional scanning system.

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Intraoral camera

Intraoral cameras use digital imaging for accuracy.

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Paperless charting

We save trees and our patients time with paperless charting.

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Patient education

We will be here guide and inform you during your appointment.

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Telescopic loupes

Magnifying loupes help us make more accurate assessments.

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