You don’t have to spend the rest of your life hiding your teeth. With Invisalign treatment in Medford, you can finally say goodbye to your orthodontic issues and embrace a lifetime of beautifully straight smiles!
Invisalign* refers to an orthodontic treatment that works to straighten teeth with the use of a series of removable, custom-made clear aligners instead of the traditional metal wires and brackets. These BPA-free plastic aligners are virtually invisible and comfortable to wear.
This orthodontic treatment gently pulls your crooked teeth into their proper positions to straighten your smile.
If your jaw has limited space, your teeth will overlap and twist. Dental crowding increases your risk for tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease. Invisalign can effectively realign your teeth.
If you have a spacing issue, food can easily lodge in the spaces between your teeth and gums. To help you achieve better oral health and avoid tooth decay and gum disease, Invisalign closes these gaps.
You have an overbite when your upper front teeth overlap with your lower front teeth. This type of misalignment can make challenging for you to chew and bite into your favorite foods. Invisalign can properly align your top and bottom teeth to make them fit perfectly when your mouth is closed.
When your bottom teeth are rest in front of your upper teeth when you close your mouth, you have an underbite. If left untreated, this can affect your speech and cause your teeth to wear more quickly. Thankfully, Invisalign can push your lower teeth back to make them sit behind your front teeth.
If some of your upper teeth rest inside your lower teeth instead of outside, you have a crossbite. Ignoring this problem can cause your gums to recede and your teeth to wear down and chip. Invisalign can treat a crossbite by moving incorrectly positioned teeth into their proper place.
You have an open bite when your top and bottom teeth don’t meet. Invisalign can fix this issue by moving your upper and lower teeth into position.
At Northwoods Dentistry, we’re committed to creating beautiful smiles every time. Contact us today to request an appointment.
Attribution Statement: *Invisalign®, the Invisalign logo, and iTero®, among others, are trademarks and/ or service marks of Align Technology, Inc. or one of its subsidiaries or affiliated companies and may be registered in the U.S. and/or other countries.
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