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Are Dental X-Rays Good for My Kid?

Dental X-rays wouldn’t be necessary if all dental issues could be seen above the gum line, but this is not the case. Too frequently, damage, degradation, and infections occur in places that are invisible to the naked eye. Experts on children’s dental in Medford use special imaging tools to get a full view of a child’s mouth cavity. Yet, is it safe? Will a kid be subjected to a lot of radiation? Please continue reading to see why dental X-rays utilized today are significantly safer when capturing your child’s smile from a pediatric dentist.

patient visiting children's dental in medford

All About Pediatric Dental X-Ray

What Are the Types?

Dental X-rays come in various forms, and each one offers a unique perspective on your child’s oral health. Among the most typical dental X-rays are:   

  • Occlusal X-rays – can be used to evaluate a child’s bite alignment because they show the complete dental arch.   
  • Panoramic X-rays – can capture images of the jawbone, tooth crowns, and mouth. They assist in giving a complete picture of a child’s dental health.   
  • Bitewing – bitewing X-rays provide images of particular oral regions. They are frequently used to spot dental decay at the gum line and in between teeth.      

When Should Children Have X-Rays?

With the help of X-rays, dentists can detect any oral problems that aren’t visible to the human eye. Dental professionals can use digital X-rays to examine patients’ teeth and jawbones for abnormalities like decay and infection.      

Our team is careful to only request X-rays when necessary. Hence, the advantages outweigh the potential concerns, even though digital X-rays are safe for children due to minimizing radiation exposure and infrequent use. One of the most frequent causes we’ll require an X-ray is to:      

  • Check the location of the jawbone and the condition of the joints.   
  • Observe how your child’s teeth are growing.
  • Check the space available for wisdom teeth and their alignment.
  • Check for dental rot in concealed areas.

illustration of children's dental in medford

Are You Looking for a Quality Children’s Dental Clinic in Medford?

Our dental professionals know that parents worry about their child’s safety during this imaging procedure and carefully assess each patient to decide the best course of action. But if digital X-rays are necessary, our dental professional will review the necessity, application, and security measures employed to keep your child secure while preserving their future smile. Call us! 

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Our office is proud to offer the latest in dental technologies to provide you with the best in-office experience.

Digital X-Rays

Digital X-rays save time and reduce radiation exposure.

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Electronic claims

Electronic claims help maximize your insurance benefits.

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Cone beam CT Scan Technology

CBCT scans help us make more accurate assessments.

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Laser dentistry

Laser technology allows us to clean much deeper than before.

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Panoramic X-rays

Panoramic x-rays use a three-dimensional scanning system.

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Intraoral camera

Intraoral cameras use digital imaging for accuracy.

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Paperless charting

We save trees and our patients time with paperless charting.

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Patient education

We will be here guide and inform you during your appointment.

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Telescopic Loupes

Magnifying loupes help us make more accurate assessments.

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Digital X-rays

Digital X-rays save time and reduce radiation exposure.

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Electronic claims

Electronic claims help maximize your insurance benefits.

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Cone beam CT Scan Technology

CBCT scans help us make more accurate assessments.

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Laser dentistry

Laser technology allows us to clean much deeper than before.

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Panoramic X-rays

Panoramic x-rays use a three-dimensional scanning system.

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Intraoral camera

Intraoral cameras use digital imaging for accuracy.

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Paperless charting

We save trees and our patients time with paperless charting.

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Patient education

We will be here guide and inform you during your appointment.

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Telescopic loupes

Magnifying loupes help us make more accurate assessments.

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